In a dystopian world ruled with an iron fist by an egomaniacal leader determined to reveal the secrets of the universe, you are in the middle of an adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat for hours. As Denzel (androids built to support the work of preserving the local environment) named Cherry, they embark on a blood-soaked quest for revenge as she explores the massive megastructure and eviscerates the armies of Infonet, the supposed Utopia built on the back of the tireless Automotones.

The events that I have just described occur in the indie game from the developer Subcult Joint and the publisher Rogue Games Inc called Cookie Cutter. 200 years after the creation of the INFONET and the home of the remaining inhabitants of the planet, the megastructure, the planet is decomposing and is on the verge of collapse. Raz, a renegade mechanic and an invaluable ally, stumbles upon a hidden laboratory in his quest for leaved Technology, discovers a slaughtered cherry and presumed dead. He manages to reconstitute them and sets them on their way to rescue their Creator and lover, Doctor Shinji Fallon, who has been kidnapped by a crazy patient in search of something that Shinji is hiding: the secret red seed.

Cookie Cutter uses the best elements of action-adventure, 2D platform and Metroidvania games, creating an experience that constantly made me think about playing this game when I wasn’t. It’s been a while since I came across a game that made me feel this way, and it was refreshing to have the opportunity to play this game. The environments are varied, imaginative and are used to complement the Gameplay by incorporating elements that contribute to the progression of the game and not only serve as a backdrop. The music is some of the best I’ve heard this year and it’s great to immerse the player in the experience. The characters are some of the smartest designs in a game this year, helping to create a world I couldn’t wait to dive into.

So, through the description above, you already have an idea of how to play the game, so I don’t need to go into details. What you need to know now is how Cherry behaves as a playable character and you won’t be disappointed. Cherry glides like a dream on her journey. As her creator’s favorite Denzel, she was designed to meet all the challenges that come her way. As you progress through the game, you will be equipped with powerful abilities such as punch and kick strikes, as well as motorized weapons that you can upgrade to unimaginable power levels, making it an incredible explosion.

As you walk through the game, you literally have to tear enemies to shreds on your journey to save Dr. Fallon, and I can’t tell you how satisfying that is. The graphics of Cookie Cutter are all hand-drawn and made in a cartoon style that perfectly matches the theme. I’m a big Anime Fan and I grew up watching cartoons, so this art style is for me. And just because it’s hand-drawn, don’t think it’s not found details because you’d be wrong if that’s what you think. It’s a bloody game and blood, guts, tendons and bones often fill the screen, covering the cherry from head to toe.

Cherry can handle it as well as she can serve it, so don’t be afraid to come in and get your hands dirty. The enemies each have their own strike patterns, so you will learn them and be able to repel these strikes to harvest as much vacuum energy as possible. At the top left of the screen, you will see advertisements for Cherry’s health at the top and her vacuum energy below. Empty energy can be used for two purposes: either to power your special strikes, or to replenish your health. It is up to you to decide how to use it, but you must be strategic in the delivery of this precious Resource. You gain more empty energy when you lie down in your opponents, so that it encourages you to constantly move forward, because it could literally mean the difference between getting to the end of the game or seeing the game screen.

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